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Lead from your Root

3-month mentorship for unhappy professionals craving change

Don't just have a life that looks good on paper,
have one that feels good in your psyche, body, & soul

Feel like you're having a midlife crisis?


I know how you feel... 

You're highly productive, but your body is constantly in survival mode
You've experienced professional success, but it's demoralizing to only feel fleeting fulfillment from it. Something's missing

Your schedule is full and you love your family, but you've been struggling with feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression.


You're deeply concerned about the health of the planet,

and you want to be part of the solution


It feels like there's a disconnect between how you spend your days and what truly lights you up
That's scary, but you know it's necessary
and that you just need to be brave. ​

About the mentorship

Get to the root cause of stress disorders, relationship challenges, and conflicts regarding your professional expression and life mission. â€‹


Redefine yourself as a leader, and align your lifestyle and your leadership with the person you're becoming (instead of who you used to be).


How Evan changed his life... 

"Before working with Amanda, my life was great on paper and I was living the way I thought I should but I suffered from depression and felt a constant anxiety that always kept me asking,


With Amanda, a whole new world opened up for me. I was able to work through the underlying subconscious patterns that were holding me back, causing me to feel like I was just going through the motions in life. It was such a liberating process that completely changed my life path


She helped me trust myself to do what lights up my soul. I went from working as an executive, a traditional 9-5 job in front of a computer, to now running a social business and being connected with nature every day. I could not be happier now, living in a way that feels aligned with what the deepest parts of me really want."

Mentor with Amanda Blain  

Holistic Biopsychosocial Therapist 

Stress and Trauma Specialist 

Leadership Coach 

Cross-cultural Educator

Former Peace Corps volunteer

In her 20s, Amanda worked in Chicago's health care sector, helping clinics implement a more holistic approach to patient care. During this time, she observed a link between mental health and physical health. The clinics and patients with which she worked reported quantifiable improvements, but Amanda was discouraged by industry norms that prioritized profit over impact. She left Chicago in 2013 to volunteer in the Peace Corps in South Africa. 


She has since studied internationally with mind-body scientists, former United Nations consultants, and the world's leading experts on trauma. Amanda also loves learning from indigenous teachers in North and Central America. This dynamic background, combined with her personal experience of healing from stress disorders and autoimmunity, inspired her to lead thousands of classes and programs around the world, all focused on mind-body healing, social development, and regenerative community leadership. 


Today, Amanda lives among the Mayan people of Guatemala while collaborating with locals on eco-restoration and leadership programs and working remotely with clients. Her programs have resulted in transformation even for people who were previously discouraged by decades of unsuccessful mainstream therapy. 

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What you'll explore...


Month 1: Root Causes

Psych research shows that most humans operate their lives with only 2-5% volition. The rest of our decisions, behaviors, emotions, and relationship dynamics stem from subconscious perceptions formed before the age of 7, and unconscious beliefs formed throughout life. 


That's why most people who undergo big change, like ending relationships, starting a new job, or moving to a new place, end up feeling the same as before. They changed the external circumstances, but they didn't transform their internal feelings and perceptions.


Transformation is not just about leaving an unhealthy job or exiting a disharmonious relationship - it's getting to the root cause of why you compromised your health, creativity, and authenticity in the first place. 


This month will help bring your subconscious/unconscious patterns into your conscious awareness, so you can begin laying the foundation for breakthroughs in your psyche, body, relationships, and professional expression.

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Month 2: Rooted Transformation

Now that you've gotten to the root cause of chronic stress patterns, it's time to use that information to make lasting changes. In this phase of our work together, you'll be given psycho-neuro exercises to help you face change (including your fears about it) from more creative and intuitive brain wave states. 


You'll also explore the areas of deepest conflict between your authentic self and your current lifestyle. You'll get clear about your patterns and relationship dynamics that you need to transform to come into alignment who you're becoming (as you grow beyond who you used to be).


You'll be guided to set new boundaries and making new agreements so you can transform the problem areas within your psyche, body, ​relationships, and professional expression. 

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Month 3: Rooted Lifestyle & Leadership

Living a rooted lifestyle means reconnecting with your own nature. Getting back in touch with what lights you up. Who you are inside of your soul. What you want your life to stand for. Aligning your leadership with your authenticity. 


Your body's sensory system can guide you back to these deepest parts of yourself. 


Everyday, your 10 million sensory neurons try to lead you to the best possible outcome for your life. They communicate with you through something Dr. Peter Levine calls the "felt sense." This is an inner guidance system that is built into your natural design (something known by indigenous people around the world, and that modern science has verified). The problem is that overworking, people-pleasing, technology addiction, and trauma interfere with our ability to receive messages from our felt-sense. 


By developing a daily relationship with this part of yourself, you'll put an end to inner conflict and repair some of the damage that stress has done to your psyche, body, and relationships.


You'll also learn how to access your felt-sense as a guide for aligned & intuitive decision-making in your professional life. 


Post program support will also be discussed to help you get the most from your mentorship. 

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What you get...

6 x 90-minute private sessions (2 per month)

Custom curated media library including e-books, webinars, and somatic practices 

Priority registration for Regenerative Lifestyle & Leadership retreats on Lake Atitlán
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How Laura changed her life...

"I began working with Amanda after being laid off from my job in the tech industry. I’d been living with the constant pressure of perfectionism and adversarial work environments along with the added stress of autoimmunity. Throughout my life I also struggled to 'break-up with people' - keeping me in relationships that didn't nourish me - both professionally and personally.


I was ready for big change. I no longer wanted to trade my quality of life for professional achievement, but I knew that I hadn't done my life's most meaningful work yet. I craved more agency over my schedule, and I wanted more flow, creativity, and play in my personal life.


When I began working with Amanda, I immediately noticed some of my oldest patterns of imbalance unwind and healthier patterns emerge. Small, consistent strides resulted in significant shifts in my life. (My 8-year-old daughter even enjoyed doing some of the embodiment practices with me!) 


I learned how to use my body as a guide for decision making. I began saying NO … no to client relationships that didn’t fulfill me. No to business demands that didn’t respect my needs and boundaries.

Then, I started receiving all these new job offers. To make my decision, I applied everything Amanda had taught me.​ Instead of freezing in fear about 'missing out on a great opportunity,' I felt into what might bring me the most joy. I felt into my body to see how much room there was for ME in these opportunities. I accepted a position with a company that aligns with my higher visions for my life. 


The other day, I felt joy inside of my body, for the first time in years. I’m just grateful to be able to feel that again, and it's in no small way because of my work with Amanda.”

Are you ready to 
Lead from Your Root? 
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