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"I'm BURNT OUT and
haven't discovered my life's most
meaningful work yet!" 

The inner cry of every disillusioned and overworked professional...

Don't just have a life that looks good on paper, have one that feels good inside your psyche, body, & soul!

Beach at Sunset

I know how you feel... 

You're constantly working, but you don't feel nourished by your work.
It feels like something is missing.

Your motivations have changed, you're not lit up by the life you've been living, and that makes you feel depressed and guilty at times


You're concerned about the health of the planet and the state of the world, You want to improve it
You're longing for change, and while it's scary to not know what that looks like, a deep part of you feels that it will lead you into something purposeful - if you can just be brave enough to trust it

You get excited by the idea of being part of an eco-conscious, humanitarian community collaborating on projects that light up your soul 

You know it's time for change...

In the past few years millions of people around the world have been simultaneously tapping into a revolutionary part of their soul that came here to bring radical change to an obsolete paradigm. 

Want to heal the root cause of your stress and make radical change for planetary health?



I'm here to show you how to shed unhealthy cultural imprints from your life, to help you undo the damage that this stress has done to your psyche and body, and watch you widen your life's mission to include planetary health and regeneration. 


I'm NOT here to numb you up so you can return to the status quo. I'm here to help you make radical life change.


Like every natural species, embodying your purpose in the ecosystem is meant to GIVE you vitality ... not take it all away. 


I combine mind-body science, holistic psychology, leadership coaching, and cultural exchange in dynamic, one-of-a-kind programs that have never failed to deliver the breakthroughs clients were seeking. 

White Plants

Change is scary -  this free content will help

Inspirational talks 

that will help you see the mass awakening happening all over the world and how this relates to the health of our planet


Pre-recorded coaching session 

receive tools to cope with big changes including loss, relationship endings, and identity deaths, personal rebirths, and widening your life purpose


Body-centered therapy practices 

soothe your psyche and body with these practices from Primal Vinyasa®, Qi-gong, Acupressure, and Vagus Nerve Reset



on how your health and relationships are impacted by overstimulation and overworking


Sneak peek

at a gorgeous regenerative project in our Mayan community in Guatemala

Trust your inner guidance & sign-up below for a free guide for embracing radical change! 
Worst that happens is you get some free inspiration!

©2024 Rooted Rebirth

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