"I know I'm here for a different purpose, but I just haven't found that yet."
The inner cry of every disillusioned soul longing for change...
I know how you feel...
The craving for change. For revolution. To have some solace that your children are not going to inherit a world of unfixable trauma and irreparable ecological loss.
Yes, dear human. I feel you, and it's okay to be sad or uncertain about your next steps (or even to feel as if you’ve lost faith in humanity).
Sometimes, that darkest place inside of our soul is exactly where we need to go to gain the perspective that we need to RE-GENERATE our lives, to birth something new … (and this time we’ll do it from our hearts).
We are shifting. Into a new paradigm. All over the world.

You don't have to feel alone anymore!
Train with Amanda Blain
Holistic Biopsychosocial Therapist
Stress and Trauma Specialist
Leadership Coach
Cross-cultural Educator
I'm here to show you how to shed unhealthy cultural imprints from your life, to help you undo the damage that this stress has done to your psyche and body, and watch you widen your life's mission to include planetary health and regeneration.
I'm NOT here to numb you up so you can return to the status quo. I'm here to help you make radical life change.
Like every natural species, embodying your purpose in the ecosystem is meant to GIVE you vitality ... not take it all away.
I combine mind-body science, holistic psychology, leadership coaching, and cultural exchange in dynamic, one-of-a-kind programs that have never failed to deliver the breakthroughs clients were seeking.

Change isn't easy...
this FREE CONTENT will help
Inspirational talks
on the mass awakening happening all over the world and how this relates to the health of our planet
Pre-recorded coaching session
receive tools to cope with big changes including loss, relationship endings, and identity deaths, personal rebirths, and widening your life purpose
​Body-centered therapy practices
soothe your psyche and body with these practices from Primal Vinyasa®, Qi-gong, Acupressure, and Vagus Nerve Reset
on how your health and relationships are impacted by overstimulation and overworking
Sneak peek
the regenerative project we're building with our Mayan neighbors in Guatemala
Change isn't easy...
this FREE CONTENT will help
Inspirational Talks
on the mass awakening happening all over the world and how this relates to the health of our planet
Pre-recorded Coaching Session
receive tools to cope with big changes including loss, relationship endings, and identity deaths, personal rebirths, and widening your life purpose
Body-Centered Therapy Practices
soothe your psyche and body with these practices from Primal Vinyasa®, Qi-gong, Acupressure, and Vagus Nerve Reset
on how your health and relationships are impacted by overstimulation and overworking
Sneak Peak
at the regenerative project we're building with our Mayan neighbors in Guatemala