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Welcome to the
Trauma-Informed Embodiment 
Advanced Practitioner Program

What’s the difference between healing and embodiment?

Embodiment is shamelessly and skillfully navigating your inner landscape - permissioning yourself to be raw & real; freedom from repression, suppression, and self-oppression.

Embodiment is knowing when and how to implement effective tools for anchoring new inspiration, and continuously renewing your senses of safety, stability, and adaptability as you encounter new challenges and novel experiences.

Embodiment is accepting the contrast of life, the fluctuations of feelings, emotions, and sensation, and embracing identity-death and personal rebirth as a part of the natural cycles of existence.

Embodiment is extending grace and patience to others as they struggle, breakthrough, and undergo their own unique cycles of death and rebirth.

Embodiment is allowing your instincts to work for you. Of being reunited with your nature. Of shaming no part of your human condition. Of marveling over the design of your innate intelligence system.

Embodiment is trusting your intuition. Of clear discernment between truth and non-truth.

Embodiment is conservation of energy. Just like a flower reaches high for the sunlight while staying firmly rooted in the nutritious soil, this aspect of embodiment occurs when we non-negotiably expand in the direction of nourishment.

Embodiment is honing your ability to receive what you deeply need, with unwavering commitment to serve your role within the natural order of the ecosystem.


I am so honored to be with you in this journey. Now, let’s begin…


All love,



Please e-sign the program agreement below
by September 9, 2022

Trauma-Informed Embodiment 
Advanced Practitioner Program Agreement

Participation Liability Waiver 

I understand that the Trauma-Informed Practitioner Program includes physical movements, psychological exercises, meditations, breath exercises as well as an opportunity for relaxation, stress re-education, and trauma education. 


As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, discontinue the activity, and ask for support from the instructor. I will continue to breathe smoothly. I assume full responsibility for any and all damages, which may incur through participation. 

Psyche Body Soul programs do not substitute medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. By signing, I agree that I will make the facilitator aware of any medical conditions or physical limitations before class. If I am pregnant, become pregnant or I am post-natal or post-surgical, my signature verifies that I have my physician's approval to participate.


I also affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to participate in this program. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or may have hereafter against Amanda Blain and Psyche Body Soul. 

I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Liability Waiver Agreement. I am signing this agreement voluntarily and recognize that my signature serves as complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. 

Thanks for submitting!

Intellectual Property Agreement

I understand that the Trauma-Informed Embodiment Advanced Practitioner Program is a proprietary program produced by Amanda Blain of Psyche Body Soul. I understand the program references the work of numerous researchers and subject-matter experts. I understand that the unique compilation of content, delivery, and format of the program as well as all pre-recorded content and content that will be recorded during the live sessions is reserved as the intellectual property of Amanda Blain and Psyche Body Soul. â€‹


I understand that Amanda Blain retains exclusive rights to this intellectual property and that all content may be re-used and re-produced at her discretion. This includes all live recordings in which I may participate. 


I agree that I will not reproduce and monetize this training as work of my own. I understand that I am at liberty to create new offerings inspired by this program, which may include the information and approaches shared in this program, to be delivered in unique form. 


I agree that I will not offer a product under the name of "Trauma-Informed Embodiment Advanced Practitioner Program" after completing this training.


I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Intellectual Property Agreement. 

Right to Privacy


I understand that I have a right to privacy. This right enables me to request for all live recordings to stop before I willingly choose to share any personal information about my life or my professional practice. I understand that it is my responsibility to request this privacy as desired. I understand that Amanda Blain has agreed to respect all requests for privacy when said requests are made explicit. 

I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Privacy Rights agreement.


Harm Prevention and Ethics Agreement


I agree to honor the sacred skills contained within the Psyche Body Soul methodology and uphold the integrity of this work and to being a teammate in harm prevention and ethics by agreeing to the following terms. 


As a health or wellness practitioner interested in utilizing the methods included in this program in my own practice, I agree to experience and embody the program material in my own life before offering it in my practice. That means that I will complete all exercises in each module including private sessions with Amanda Blain before I offer these approaches in my own practice. I understand that attempting to offer education or support concerning any of the material in this program could be dangerous if I have not yet embodied the work personally. â€‹


I agree that I will not offer the education or approaches shared in this training until I have completed all related course material and private sessions. 


I understand that failure to uphold this agreement may result in being involuntarily discharged from the program. 

Financial Agreement 


I am wholly committed to the Trauma-Informed Embodiment Advanced Practitioner Program. I understand that my commitment means that I will pay the program fees in full despite under any and all circumstances; either in lump sum or via monthly payments in the amount of $250 per month for 8 months which will be automatically charged to my debit/credit account on the following dates: 


October 10 

November 10 

December 10 

January 10

February 10 

March 10

April 10 

May 10


I understand that the live sessions will be recorded if I am unable to attend live. I understand that I will receive the full value of the program whether I attend live or watch the recordings. 


I understand that the program fees are non-refundable under any circumstance. 


I agree to these terms. 


©2024 Rooted Rebirth

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